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  • DIY Guide to Forming Your Own LLC

  • A Detail Step by Step Guide to Starting & Filing a Limited Liability Company for All 50 States & DC
  • De : Aaron Sanders
  • Lu par : Brian Copeland
  • Durée : 3 h et 21 min

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DIY Guide to Forming Your Own LLC

De : Aaron Sanders
Lu par : Brian Copeland
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    This step-by-step guide is intended for people who are about to start a business and want to incorporate their venture for various protections and benefits that an LLC can offer. Incorporating your business not only gives you peace of mind, but it offers a few very key benefits to your new business. Best of all, it is very simple to incorporate a business in the US, and cost is very nominal too.

    In this guide, I outlined every step you need to take to get started with incorporating your business. Since some of the requirements do vary widely from state to state, I included a step-by-step process which is easy to follow for all 50 states and District of Columbia including the most up to date filing costs for each state.

    This book is divided into two parts. In the first part, I discuss how you can get started with filing your own LLC, what the requirements are, what documents you need to gather, how you can create your own articles of incorporation, how you can apply and obtain an EIN and open your first commercial bank account. Next, I discuss how to keep your LLC in compliance, how to keep records, how to hold annual meetings, and many other relevant information.

    The second part of the book is where I show a step-by-step filing process for each of the 50 states in the US, including the District of Columbia.

    Here is a quick glance at what I covered in this book.

    Part 1

    • How to Start and Run a New LLC
    • 5 Key Advantages of Forming an LLC
    • Type of Protection You Get from Having an LLC
    • How to Structure Your LLC
    • Steps to Starting an LLC
    • What and How to Write an Operating Agreement
    • Seven Items You Must Include in your Operating Agreement
    • How to Fund an LLC (Your Business)
    • How to Obtain an EIN
    • How to Open a Commercial Bank Account
    • Key Obligations to Running Your New LLC
    • How to Manage Taxes for Your LLC
    • How LLC’s are Taxed with IRS
    • What Forms You Need to Fill Out With the IRS

    Part 2

    State by State Guide to Forming an LLC

    In this part, I lay out each step you need to take to form your new LLC, including what documents to file, where to file, along with the exact filing costs that you will have to pay.

    ©2018 Lost River Publishing House (P)2021 Lost River Publishing House

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