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Couverture de Cybersecurity 101

Cybersecurity 101

De : L.D. Knowings
Lu par : David Van Der Molen
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    Worried about hackers? Fight back with confidence! Discover straightforward steps to safeguard your online presence perfect for non-techies and pros alike.

    Imagine one day you wake up to find your email compromised, your personal data leaked, and your digital security shattered.

    It's not just a nightmare scenario it's a reality faced by millions.

    In an age where a staggering 60% of businesses are compromised due to cyberattacks, the question isn't if you will face a digital threat, but when.

    That's where this guide comes in your compass in the risky and messy world of cybersecurity.

    You're not a tech wizard, and you don't need to be. This book speaks directly to you the concerned netizen, the proactive parent, the small business owner, or the budding entrepreneur.

    It's designed to break down the complexities of cybersecurity into something you can understand and apply.

    You'll delve into the essentials of protecting yourself and your organization from online attacks.

    From the basics of network and endpoint security to the intricacies of securing the Internet of Things (IoT), this book covers a wide spectrum.

    Discover how to identify and mitigate threats, implement effective defensive strategies, and adapt to the ever-evolving cyber universe with the guidance of this book.

    ©2024 Keyven Lewis (P)2024 Keyven Lewis

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