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  • Cut That Grass and Make That Cash

  • How to Start and Grow a Successful Lawn Care and Landscaping Business
  • De : Paul Jamison
  • Lu par : Paul Jamison
  • Durée : 4 h et 2 min

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Cut That Grass and Make That Cash

De : Paul Jamison
Lu par : Paul Jamison
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    Are you ready for success? Learn how to rake in the profits with your lawn care and landscaping business.

    The entertaining story of how Paul Jamison went from launching his landscaping business out of the trunk of a rusty 1997 Honda Accord to now serving high-profile celebrity customers such as professional sports athletes and coaches is inspiring. Paul will have you on the edge of your seat as he humorously shares his journey of what he learned in the school of experience and on the job training.

    As host of the Green Industry podcast, Paul Jamison has interviewed more than 150 lawncare and landscape professionals who are crushing it. This book is full of insights Paul has implemented from these flourishing small-business owners as well as what he has learned building and improving his business. 

    Cut That Grass and Make That Cash offers: 

    • Time-tested advice on how to increase your profits
    • How to recognize and avoid the mistakes that many new lawncare and landscape professionals consistently make
    • Best practices for long-term success and achieving your goals

    This is a must-listen for anybody interested in starting and growing a lawncare and landscaping business. Do you want to be profitable and a cut above the competition? Then buy the audiobook today!

    ©2021 Paul Jamison (P)2021 Paul Jamison

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