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  • Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in the Digital Age

  • A Psychologist's DIGITAL EQ BLUEPRINT for Adults & Leaders to Thrive in a Radically Changing World
  • De : Michelle van Namen
  • Lu par : Esther Owens
  • Durée : 4 h et 50 min

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Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in the Digital Age

De : Michelle van Namen
Lu par : Esther Owens
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    Navigate the Digital Ocean without Emotional Turmoil: Equip Yourself with Digital EQ Strategies to Stay Afloat in a Sea of Screens, Posts, and Pixels Without Drifting Away!

    Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the pace of digital life, struggling to keep up with the ever-changing expectations, demands and rules of online engagement? Are you searching for a way to balance your digital habits whilst preserving your mental health, without sacrificing the convenience and connectivity the digital world offers? You are not alone. Thriving and leading in the digital age requires a brand new set of skills - Digital EQ skills.

    Introducing this practical guide with specific strategies to help you understand what it takes to cultivate emotional intelligence in this digital age. It is tailor-made for adults and leaders ready to take control of their well-being and their relationships in this rapidly changing world.

    You will be guided on a journey to create your own personal "Digital EQ Blueprint," derived from a psychologist's in-depth exploration and understanding of Digital EQ.

    With this book in your hands, you will:

    Understand why Emotional Intelligence (EQ) matters more than IQ in the digital age

    Transform Your Screen Time

    Understand the Psychology of Digital Interactions

    Protect Your Mental Health

    Prevent Digital Burnout and Anxiety

    Cultivate Authentic Connections

    Elevate Your Leadership in the Digital Era

    Create a Culture of Digital Wellness

    Conquer Digital Distractions

    Decipher the Emotional Language of Digital Communication

    Become a Digital Role-Model for Your Children

    This timely guide is neither a critique treatise against technology, nor a hall-pass to escape from digital rewards. Instead, it provides practical tools to leverage technology while enhancing your emotional intelligence skills.

    ©2024 Michelle van Namen (P)2024 Michelle van Namen

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