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  • Cultists

  • Elysium's Multiverse, Book 3
  • De : Ranyhin1
  • Lu par : Jay Aaseng
  • Durée : 18 h et 21 min

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Couverture de Cultists


De : Ranyhin1
Lu par : Jay Aaseng
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    Vampire siblings challenge the unholy powers of destiny to save a multitude of worlds from mass destruction in the third book of this apocalyptic adventure.

    Since the integration of Earth into the Elysium, Riven and his sister, Allie, have embraced their vampire DNA to become the royal leaders of an expanding new government known as the Thane Necropolis. Amassing an army of the undead numbering thousands, they’ve already claimed the elf village of Greenstalk, subjugating anyone who’s tried to betray them.

    As they move north toward Brightsville, there comes a request from the Kingdom of Dawn not to seize its territory as well. It’s a bid for diplomacy from a bastion of civilization that could benefit everyone. Vampires and the undead helping humans? Considering what’s rumbling on the horizon, a coalition may not be a bad idea.

    Meanwhile, Chalgathi—a Plague Dragon born of unconscionable malice and about to be reawakened by cultists—is destined for carnage. Empires will crumble and billions will die if the fanatical sect of end-time followers has its way. Riven has been called upon to act. It’s a risk, even for someone who’s already unalive. But there is a shred of hope.

    As Riven and Allie prepare for the worst, they discover the Blood Moon Requiem, which holds the key to their mysterious lineage. It also has the potential to usher in a new chapter of their great vampiric legacy—one that could inexorably alter the course of the future . . .

    The third volume of the hit LitRPG adventure series—with more than 900,000 views on Royal Road—now available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and Audible!

    ©2024 Trent Boehm (P)2024 Podium Audio

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