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  • Crystals for Beginners

  • The Complete Guide to Discover the Healing Power of Crystals
  • De : Dominic Reeve
  • Lu par : J.M. DeBord
  • Durée : 3 h et 43 min

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Crystals for Beginners

De : Dominic Reeve
Lu par : J.M. DeBord
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    Discover how to absorb the healing power of crystals!

    Crystals are the secret magic stones of the earth. Due to the fact that crystals are the most abstract form of matter, they contain very dense energy that can be used!

    In the most basic form, our bodies, thoughts, and emotions are all vibrations of energy. By using crystals the right way, you can improve your health, defuse negative emotions, and even sharpen your mind and consciousness.

    In this outstanding, shocking audiobook, you will get the most comprehensive guide to crystals - from the very basics of what are crystals, all the way to how to use them effectively, it's all here!

    Here are just a few of the things you can find inside:

    • The complete, beginners friendly guide to crystals
    • A secret way to tap into the energy of the Earth
    • In-depth crystals meditations, Reiki treatments, and healing techniques
    • Frequently asked questions about crystals and their usage
    • Success stories of people who've tried to use crystals
    • And much, much more!

    Whether you're an experienced crystal healer or a complete beginner - this audiobook will take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do, what is the expected result, and how to choose the most beneficial crystal for you.

    Crystals will change your life in any way you'd like to. Here are just a few of the benefits:

    • Improving health and longevity
    • Blocking negative thoughts and emotions
    • Recover from bad relationships and emotional trauma
    • Weight loss, overcoming ego and increasing motivation
    • Sleep improvement, anxiety relief, and stress reduction

    And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

    Get this audiobook and get started with crystals now!

    ©2019 Dominic Reeve (P)2019 Dominic Reeve

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