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  • Crystal Healing for Beginners

  • Discover How to Use the Power of Crystals and Healing Stones. How They Work to Increase Your Energy
  • De : Jenifer Eye
  • Lu par : Emma Suh
  • Durée : 3 h et 12 min

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Crystal Healing for Beginners

De : Jenifer Eye
Lu par : Emma Suh
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    Have you ever wanted to heal your body and get rid of any diseases that might be interfering with your life? Have you suffered from mental illnesses or are unable to sleep at night? Or perhaps are you constantly tired and lack energy within your body?

    Crystals have been around for as long as time itself. The Greeks had a strong belief that these stones were a gift from the Gods and Goddesses and that each crystal had different magical properties such as healing the body, manifesting one's dreams, protection, guidance, and so many other things.

    These gemstones can be used to heal the body, mind, and spirit as well as pushing one on their destined spiritual path. 

    In this book, you will learn all about the energy flow within your body, how to open and cleanse different chakras and what effect they play on the health and well-being of the body as well as learning the following: 

    • What are crystals and what are they used for 
    • Different types of crystals for love, healing, protection, manifestation, increasing energy, and spiritual growth
    • How to properly cleanse crystals 
    • What are crystal grids 
    • How to heal one's energy using crystals 
    • What are chakras and how to heal them with crystals
    • And many other topics

    If you are interested in crystals, the universe, healing not only yourself but others around you, and bringing everlasting peace to society then Crystal Healing for Beginners: Discover How to Use the Power of Crystals and Healing Stones. How They Work to Increase Your Energy is for you!

    Would you like to know more? Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy now button.

    ©2020 Jenifer Eye (P)2021 Jenifer Eye

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