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  • Crypto the Disruptor

  • Rise of Money from Barter to Bitcoin
  • De : Mukesh Jindal
  • Lu par : Anuj Datta
  • Durée : 8 h et 46 min

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Crypto the Disruptor

De : Mukesh Jindal
Lu par : Anuj Datta
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    The Indian crypto market has experienced an exponential surge in the past few years and become a vehicle to get rich quickly. However, what exactly is crypto? How did we reach the crypto stage—a decentralized system of finance—from the barter system?

    Crypto the Disruptor answers these and other such penetrating questions as it traces the history of money and the global economy. Providing a deep historical perspective, the author, through stories, captures the journey of the world's financial system from the stone-age to the present. It analyses the movement of the world economic system from a centralized entity to a decentralized one and emphasizes the role of technology in the transformation of the global financial system. More importantly, this book explores the emergence of new forms of money such as cryptocurrencies and their relevance in a new world driven by digital technology. The final chapter educates listeners about crypto investing in India and how investors should approach this new asset class, which is volatile yet offers great potential to create stupendous wealth.

    ©2024 Mukesh Jindal (P)2024 Random House Audio

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