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Couverture de Crossing Pirate Waters

Crossing Pirate Waters

De : Julie Bradley
Lu par : L. Gabrielle Penabaz
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    You don’t have to know a spinnaker from a mainsail to enjoy this adventure book. Join Glen and Julie as they continue around the world through less traveled, dangerous areas on the far side of the world.

    Turmoil in the Mideast convinces Glen and Julie to linger in the South Pacific, visiting primitive villages on remote islands. But hang on tight, because to finish their voyage, they must leave friendly shores and navigate through trouble in the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea before arriving in Europe.

    Full of dry wit and compelling descriptions, Julie takes the listener along for the ride of a lifetime in this sequel (book two of the Escape Series) to her previous best seller Escape from the Ordinary.

    Great people, places, and prose

    From natives in penis sheaths on tropical islands to tribesmen on camels in the desert, this gripping story satisfies hardcore sailors and armchair adventurers alike. You will want an atlas by your side as you travel from one epic adventure to the next as the intrepid couple immerse themselves and you, the listener, in places such as:

    • Vanuatu
    • New Caledonia
    • New Zealand
    • Lord Howe Island
    • Australia
    • Bali
    • Borneo
    • Indonesia
    • Singapore
    • Malaysia
    • Thailand
    • Maldives Islands
    • Djibouti
    • Eritrea
    • Sudan
    • Egypt
    • Turkey
    • Malta
    ©2020 Close Reach Publishing (P)2020 Close Reach Publishing


    "In this thrilling book, Julie's taut writing packs even more adrenaline per chapter. She keeps you wondering how they will survive it all. Armchair travelers and real-life adventurers can learn valuable lessons from these daring sailors, lessons no course can teach." (The Ensign)

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