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Couverture de Crossing Oceans

Crossing Oceans

De : Gina Holmes
Lu par : Ann Richardson
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    2011 Carol Award winner for Debut Author from ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers)

    Jenny Lucas swore she’d never go home again. But being told you’re dying has a way of changing things. Years after she left, she and her five-year-old daughter, Isabella, must return to her sleepy North Carolina town to face the ghosts she left behind. They welcome her in the form of her oxygen tank - toting grandmother, her stoic and distant father, and David, Isabella’s dad...Who doesn’t yet know he has a daughter. As Jenny navigates the rough and unknown waters of her new reality, the unforgettable story that unfolds is a testament to the power of love and its ability to change everything - to heal old hurts, bring new beginnings... Even overcome the impossible. A stunning debut about love and loss from a talented new voice.

    ©2010 Gina Holmes (P)2020 Oasis Audio

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