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  • Critical Life Skills for Teens

  • A Fun and Easy Guide to Develop Good Habits, Build Confidence, Master the Skills and Knowledge You Need to Achieve Independence
  • De : Blooming Minds
  • Lu par : Tina Shively
  • Durée : 4 h et 7 min

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Critical Life Skills for Teens

De : Blooming Minds
Lu par : Tina Shively
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    Are you a parent, guardian, or educator looking to equip the young adults in your life with essential life skills?
    Do you find yourself asking these questions often:

    • How can I help my teen build self-confidence and overcome the challenges of adolescence?
    • Is there a way to teach essential life skills without boring lectures and endless rules?
    • What can I do to prepare my teenagers for the real world and help them become independent, responsible individuals?

    If you answered "Yes," then brace yourself for the transformative journey that awaits within the pages of "Critical Life Skills for Teens: A Fun and Easy Guide to Develop Good Habits, Build Confidence, Master the Skills and Knowledge You Need to Achieve Independence."

    Unveil the Incredible Benefits That Await Inside:
    Here's a sneak peek into what makes this book a must-read:

    • Boosted Confidence: This isn't just about self-esteem; it's about equipping your teen to navigate both mental and physical challenges, laying a foundation for a fulfilling life.
    • Masterful Skills: This guide goes beyond textbooks, offering essential life skills like effective communication, decision-making and problem-solving. From cooking to cleaning and driving a car, we've got it all covered.
    • Independence Unleashed: Prepare your teen for adulthood with essential skills in money and time management, along with goal-setting strategies. Independence is not merely living alone, but thriving alone.
      And much more!

    Take Action Now! Gift your teen this audiobook, they will thank you later. Witness them blossoming into remarkable individuals right before your eyes.

    ©2023 Blooming Minds (P)2023 Blooming Minds

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