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Couverture de Crimson Sin

Crimson Sin

De : Trina M. Lee
Lu par : Heather Costa
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    Angel blood runs through her veins. Spunky guitar goddess Spike just wants to be a rockstar. But destiny calls, and it won't be denied.

    Spike spends her days training for a war she never wanted to be part of and her nights as the guitarist of up-and-coming rock band, Crimson Sin. Like all nephilim, she's caught in the middle of a war between the light and the dark. She's got a werewolf best friend, a penchant for partying, and a problem with commitment. Spike does her best to avoid choosing a side, until she meets smoking-hot bass player Rowen Cruz and devilish frontman Arrow Lynch.

    Rowen is a nephilim who doesn't know his true identity or the danger it puts him in. The dark seeks to claim them all, and for some reason, they especially have their sights set on Rowen. Arrow is a dark nephilim, and it's his job to recruit Rowen. His shady agenda challenges Spike to discover where she stands in this fight, and it will change her forever.

    ©2015 Trina Lee (P)2018 Trina Lee

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