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Couverture de Crimson Hearts

Crimson Hearts

De : Nicole Reeves
Lu par : Victoria Connolly
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    Crimson Hearts is a coming of age story of first loves, sibling bonds, and unconventional families. Shedding light on the journey of grief, loss, and the resiliency of the human spirit.

    Military brat, Hattie Tate, is used to people disappearing from her life. Her mother skipped out on her years ago, and Sergeant Dad is always leaving for another dangerous government assignment. She’s learned not to rely on anyone, with the exception of her twin brother, Danny. It’s been the two of them against the world since the beginning.

    Except now that senior year is kicking off, Hattie fears even Danny may leave her behind. Especially if he finds out she’s got feelings for his best friend, Kellan. Feelings that lead to a secret kiss behind the school . . .

    Just when Hattie thinks her life can’t get any more complicated, tragedy strikes, and her world comes crashing down. Struck with guilt and fear, she must fight her way through the stages of grief to discover the girl she was meant to be all along.

    ©2020 Nicole Reeves (P)2024 Nicole Reeves


    “...a sweet story about family, tragedy, and what it takes to find healing in the midst of heartache.” -Sarah Mello, Author of Westcott High

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