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  • Credit Secrets

  • Discover the Most Efficient Strategies and Techniques Used by Consultants That Will Repair Your Bad Debt in No Time, to Finally Improve Your Business or Your Personal Finances
  • De : Robert Neel
  • Lu par : Darrell Bailey
  • Durée : 3 h et 5 min

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Credit Secrets

De : Robert Neel
Lu par : Darrell Bailey
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    Would you like to fix your bad credit, once and for all, and get rid of all those elements on your credit report that keep your score low?

    Then this book is perfect for you.

    This book was written for everyone, no matter how big or small their debt-management problem might be, and it will help you find out what is wrong with your credit score and reveal various methods that can fix it.

    Getting rid of bad credit has never been easier. This step-by-step guide will teach you how to fix your debts fast, without having them haunt you for the long term.

    Here’s just a fraction of what you will discover within this book:

    • The benefits of having a good credit score so you can know all the advantages of a high credit score and feel motivated to start eliminating bad credit right away
    • Five steps to order a credit report so you will have an easy and step-by-step way to put your eyes on your credit report quickly and start working on it to eliminate those errors that are lowering your score
    • How to overcome credit card debt, so you will become able to finally overcome the accumulated outstanding balances that you are carrying over in a completely fuss-free way
    • How to boost your credit score of 100 points, thanks to a dedicated chapter that will explain to you how to raise your credit score by 100 points in a small period of time
    • Everything about Section 609, so you will be able to know how to repair bad credit using this section, and you will discover how to write a dispute letter that works
    • The right mindset for credit management so you will be able to reframe your thoughts and adopt the best mindset possible to recover from bad debt in an efficient way
    • And much more!

    Your credit score is a terrible judge of your character. In fact, it has nothing at all to do with you!

    This book will finally put this misconception to rest and give you the power to take control of your finances, once and for all.

    Plus, think about the impression you'll make when people see that juicy 700+ rating on your next bank account statement!

    What are you waiting for? Just scroll to the top of the page and click the “Buy Now” button to get the audiobook right now!

    ©2021 Robert Neel (P)2021 Robert Neel

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