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Couverture de Creating Human

Creating Human

De : E.B. Andrews
Lu par : Erik Beck
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    An inventor trying to defeat a disease.

    A con artist looking for an opportunity.

    An unlikely alliance that will land them both in trouble.

    From the Windlebees perched in the window displays, to the Tamblers winding across the carts of street peddlers, the town of Shinar is full of strange and mysterious oddities, but none so great as the cursed black bag of Leonard Bravecci. Well - that is of course with the exception of the man himself.

    No one knows how Leonard made his way back into town, or why he would ever dare to return, but one thing is certain, life in Shinar has only gotten worse since he came around.

    So it goes, when he reappears after almost sixteen years in exile, everyone turns him away...except for Pooka.

    A young con artist down on his luck, Pooka is desperately looking for a way to earn some money and escape the town. Whether Leonard is cursed or not, the boy knows an opportunity when he sees one.

    However cursed is an understatement. From selling elixirs at Estación de Commercio to a prison cell in Katorga, nothing goes as either of them planned.

    Such is life in Shinar.

    But maybe life can change for an outcast and a swindler, assuming they can do they impossible; cure the plague and save the city which despises them.

    ©2022 Erik Beck (P)2022 Erik Beck

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