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  • Creating Compassionate Kids

  • Essential Conversations to Have with Young Children
  • De : Shauna Tominey
  • Lu par : Lisa Larsen
  • Durée : 11 h et 33 min

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Creating Compassionate Kids

De : Shauna Tominey
Lu par : Lisa Larsen
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    Young children can surprise us with tough questions. Tominey's essential guide teaches us how to answer them and foster compassion along the way. 

    As parents and caregivers of young children, we know what we want for our children, but not always how to get there. Many children today are stressed by academic demands, anxious about relationships at school, confused by messages they hear in the media, and overwhelmed by challenges at home. Young children look to the adults in their lives for everything. Sometimes we're prepared...sometimes we're not. 

    In this book, Shauna Tominey guides parents and caregivers through how to have conversations with young children about a range of topics - from what makes us who we are (e.g., race, gender) to tackling challenges (e.g., peer pressure, divorce, stress) to showing compassion (e.g., making friends, recognizing privilege, being a helper). Talking through these topics in an age-appropriate manner - rather than telling children they are too young to understand - helps children recognize how they feel and how they fit in with the world around them. Dr. Tominey's research-based strategies and practical advice creates dialogues that teach self-esteem, resilience, and empathy: the building blocks for a more compassionate world.

    ©2019 Shauna Tominey (P)2019 HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books

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