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Couverture de Crazy Joy

Crazy Joy

De : Mary Katherine Backstrom
Lu par : Mary Katherine Backstrom
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    A bestselling author helps listeners find radical joy in a world full of constant comparison by accepting that life is a wild ride and happiness fluctuates with our circumstances.

    Happiness is considered a destination, but the finish line is constantly moving—when we get married, find that dream job, move away from home, have a baby, build a dream house, etc. We are promised that a happy life is tied to these milestones.

    But what if society has it wrong? What if happiness isn't the goal at all?

    With her trademark candor and hilarious storytelling, MK paints a picture of a different life—one bursting with a force that is far more sustainable and vibrant: joy.

    Crazy Joy will help listeners:

    1. Identify and reject ridiculous expectations that society has placed on their lives.

    2. Liberate their hearts from the comparison prison and feel content in their current circumstances.

    3. View themselves, inside and out, as the masterpiece creations they are.

    4. Find joy (and dare we say, laughter!) in the middle of life's biggest messes.

    Witty and refreshingly honest, MK invites her listeners to embark on a counter-cultural journey toward a life filled to the brim with contentment, humor, and most importantly, Crazy Joy.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Mary Katherine Backstrom (P)2022 Faith Words

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