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Couverture de Cowboy on My Mind

Cowboy on My Mind

De : R. C. Ryan
Lu par : Dustin Tucker
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    A heartwarming western romance about a cowboy who gets a second chance with his first love in the rugged beauty of the Montana mountains...

    Ben Monroe was the ultimate bad boy - and everyone in Haller Creek knew it. But now as a sheriff's deputy, Ben spends his time breaking up bar fights rather than starting them, and staying away from trouble...until Becca Henderson comes back into town. She's just as beautiful as Ben remembers - and just as far out of his reach.

    Coming home is exactly what Becca Henderson needed. A place of her own, a successful new business, and a chance to reconnect with the sexy cowboy she had a crush on in school. Ben has always blazed his own path and never let anyone stand in his way. It excites - and scares-her. But when an unexpected threat surfaces, Becca will see just how far Ben will go to protect the woman he loves - and fight for their chance at forever.

    Also includes the bonus novella Rocky Mountain Cowboy by Sara Richardson!

    Every reporter in the country wants an exclusive interview with chiseled Olympic heartthrob Jaden Alexander - nicknamed the "Snowboarding Cowboy." But only one of them has the easygoing charm - and breathtaking beauty - to knock Jaden off balance...

    ©2018 R. C. Ryan (P)2019 Forever

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