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  • Cow Hug Therapy

  • How the Animals at the Gentle Barn Taught Me About Life, Death, and Everything in Between
  • De : Ellie Laks
  • Lu par : Ellie Laks
  • Durée : 7 h et 45 min

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Cow Hug Therapy

De : Ellie Laks
Lu par : Ellie Laks
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    The inspirational story of the compassionate and wise animals of the Gentle Barn and how they became a therapeutic salve for countless guests—and mentors for all of us in how to live and die

    In Cow Hug Therapy, Ellie Laks recounts the extraordinary journey that started with her first teacher, Buddha—not the religious figure, but a rescued miniature Hereford cow. One evening Buddha wrapped her neck around an exhausted and upset Ellie and transferred a singular form of healing and comfort with an incredible impact. Understanding that this was something to be shared with others, Ellie developed Cow Hug Therapy, a groundbreaking approach to emotional healing that has proved effective for trauma, illness, disabilities, addiction, grief, and stress.

    This colorful and compelling narrative introduces the healing mavens of the barnyard, each with a unique story of being rescued from trauma and treated with love and respect. In their new role at Ellie’s Gentle Barn sanctuaries, these animals have transformed lives and ignited breakthroughs and newfound purpose for visitors including a young mother who lost her baby, a suicidal teenager, a wounded serviceman, an open-heart-surgery patient, and many more. A testament to empathy and the mission to heal animals, people, and the planet, Cow Hug Therapy serves as a beacon of hope for all seeking healing and connection.

    “This book shows not only the power of Cow Hug Therapy with these wonderful creatures, but also their beautiful, individual personalities.”—Christina Applegate

    ©2024 Ellie Laks (P)2024 Recorded Books

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