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  • Courageously Expecting

  • 30 Days of Encouragement for Pregnancy After Loss
  • De : Jenny Albers
  • Lu par : Jenny Albers
  • Durée : 5 h et 15 min

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Courageously Expecting

De : Jenny Albers
Lu par : Jenny Albers
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    Read by the author.

    Using Scripture and personal narrative, Courageously Expecting empathizes with and empowers women to face a pregnancy after loss with faith and courage, despite inevitable feelings of grief and fear that accompany life after losing a baby.

    Pregnancy is widely regarded as the most joyful time in a woman's life, but for the mother who has experienced pregnancy loss, a subsequent pregnancy can feel like she's holding her breath and hoping for what she can't control. In Courageously Expecting, Jenny Albers meets women in this difficult season as someone who has also experienced the worst and cautiously hoped for the best. Through the telling of her own story, Scripture, and heartfelt prayer, she encourages you to cling to faith in the face of fear and guides you to:

    • Cultivate hope when doubt weighs heavy;
    • Realize that the past does not dictate the present or the future and that God creates a way in the wilderness of grief and loss;
    • Flip the script on the what-if, worst-case-scenario narrative in their minds and learn to take your thoughts captive; and
    • Find the courage to humble yourself and ask for and accept help from others.

    Regardless of where you are on your pregnancy after loss journey, Courageously Expecting is a companion to help you through the days when fear overshadows hope.

    ©2022 Jenny Albers (P)2022 Thomas Nelson

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