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  • Count It All Joy

  • Including the Broken Pieces: How My Trials Helped Me Trust God More
  • De : Felicia A Hurd
  • Lu par : Latrell Carr
  • Durée : 4 h et 3 min

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Count It All Joy

De : Felicia A Hurd
Lu par : Latrell Carr
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    Count it all joy! Have you heard these words before? Is that even possible? How can you count it all joy when life’s challenges are coming at you, often one right after another, before you have time to recover from the challenge before? You may have heard the saying, “count it all joy,” in church for many years. While the phrase can be difficult to grasp the concept, it is possible in God’s timing and strength. In Count It All Joy, you will see how first-time author Felicia A Hurd reveals her account of trials and challenges that shook and eventually strengthened Felicia’s faith.

    On this faith journey, from not trusting God to trusting God and studying His Word, Felicia has learned to count it all joy, even during trials, while learning to thank God in advance of the outcome, even if Felicia agrees or disagree with the outcome. Felicia strives to trust and believe that God knows what is needed when it’s needed because He’s a good Father. Felicia A. Hurd is a first time author, a native Texan and mom to her daughter, Rachel. With many years’ experience in corporate America, Felicia gained operational knowledge and leadership skills that are being put to use in God’s kingdom. Combining biblical principles and operational skills allows her to provide guidance for non-profit organizations and various ministries. In addition, as a mentor, Life Group Facilitator, and Life Group Leader, all of which bring her great joy, Felicia speaks biblical wisdom into the lives of many every day. Over the years, God has transformed Felicia from a shy, insecure, bitter, selfish person to a true servant-leader and woman of God who knows her worth and value in God’s economy and according to scripture. In Count It All Joy, Felicia has written a viscerally impactful and spiritually enlightening testimony to help women cope, manage and communicate the power of God’s love.

    ©2021 Felicia A Hurd (P)2023 Felicia A Hurd

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