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  • Cottage in the Mist

  • Time After Time, Book 3
  • De : Dee Davis
  • Lu par : Dee Davis
  • Durée : 8 h et 34 min

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Cottage in the Mist

De : Dee Davis
Lu par : Dee Davis
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    Mo Chridhe Gu Bràth. My heart forever. Ancient words, a powerful legend, a timeless love...

    Lily Chastain has lost everything--her family, her inheritance, and her fiancé. Desperate to escape her pain, she heads for a remote castle in Scotland, but is trapped by a violent storm along the way. Injured and alone, she is drawn by a lighted cottage in the mist. What she finds there will change her life forever.

    Attacked by a vicious rival and betrayed by someone from his own clan, Bram Macgillivray finds himself alone and on the run. His father is dead, his holding all but destroyed. Wanting vengeance, he seeks out the help of his cousins, but finds instead a beautiful woman who calls to his heart.

    After losing herself in an unexpected and wonderful night of sensuality, Lily wakes to find Bram gone. But even more disturbing, when she leaves the sanctuary of the cottage, she finds that it has disappeared as well.

    Separated by over five hundred years, yet tied together through a magic stronger than the bonds of time and place, Lily and Bram fight to find each other again. And as Lily uncovers the secrets of the past, she must race to find a way back to save the only man shes ever truly loved.

    ©2016 Dee Davis Oberwetter (P)2024 Dee Davis Oberwetter

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