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  • Corporate Overdose

  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Leadership
  • De : Jon Law
  • Lu par : Jon Law
  • Durée : 2 h et 43 min

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Corporate Overdose

De : Jon Law
Lu par : Jon Law
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    What could possibly set this book apart from all of the other books on leadership?

    Get ready to dive into the electrifying world of Corporate Overdose! This is the voice from the middle of your org chart. What are they saying when their words aren’t filtered? Author Jon Law throws political correctness out the window and drops unbiased truth bombs about the 7 deadly sins lurking inside your organization right now.

    When the author set out to write this book, he aimed to produce a nearly impossible mix of objectives:

    1) Write a book so efficient, that it could be consumed in about 4 hours but impactful enough to fuel growth for years.

    2) Center it on a practical leadership framework that doesn’t deconstruct an existing leadership foundation, but builds upon it and is adaptable enough to guide a leader through any circumstance or situation.

    3)Meet any leader at any level of experience or development and move them forward in dynamic ways.

    To achieve this combination of objectives, he wrote the book in a subtle paraprosdokian style with the backends of concepts open but constructed so that they cause the reader to rethink the front end. Many books in this genre are unidirectional where the author is simply supplying information. Law decided on this unique approach because it promotes a bilateral partnership between the reader and the author. Like other great designs, Corporate Overdose may appear simple at first, so many people will only skim the surface. But others will dare to peel back the layers and discover what it truly means to develop attributes; the profound impact of power base balance; and the confidence construction that comes from having multidimensional leadership styles. And when these elements synergize to tackle the Seven Deadly Sins of leadership, that's when the lightbulb goes off! Suddenly, you realize, "I've got this. There's nothing I can't handle as a leader!"

    ©2023 Jonathan Law (P)2023 Jonathan Law

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