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Couverture de Coping with Grief: The Classics

Coping with Grief: The Classics

De : Dick Sutphen
Lu par : Dick Sutphen
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    Program your mind to heal your grief.

    Enlist the unlimited power of your mind to assist you in moving through and rising above the effects of the terrible loss you’ve experienced. This two-part system of spoken and subliminal suggestions, created especially for anyone who’s finding it difficult to release the pain of grief, will be an indispensable aid in your healing process.

    In track one - "Hypnosis" - you will be guided through a full-body relaxation, taking you into a theta-level hypnotic state or inducing sleep, during which your subconscious mind is open and receptive to positive suggestions. You will then be encouraged to to get in touch with and feel the full extent of your loss, letting out every last bit of the repressed emotions, and be invited to communicate with your loved one - even in the spiritual realms - on a superconscious level. You will also be given affirmations to repeat and receive these key trigger words for your posthypnotic conditioned response - “internal strength” - all of which enhances this programming. You’ll find that each time, the intensity of your emotions will be a little less, until you find yourself recalling your beautiful memories without the mental anguish.

    The impactful statements you will hear during this session include:

    • You will always remember warmly, but it is time to go on with your destiny.
    • You have accepted what is; the loss is what is, and nothing can change that.
    • You realize that when something cannot be remedied, it must be endured, and you absolutely do have the power and ability to endure - to go on - looking to the future and all the positive potential it offers.
    • You’ll be happy again; you are happy, for you are moving through your pain, and you now come out the other side free to function normally once again.
    • No one can replace someone else, but it is time to allow others to make their own place in your heart and in your life - trust, be open, and it will happen.

    Then in track two - "Subliminal Programming" - the same positive messaging will be relayed to you again, this time embedded in calming music. In this way, the suggestions you heard in track one will continue to be reinforced through this incredibly powerful mind-programming technique.

    ©2021 Hay House (P)2021 Hay House

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