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De : Derryn Hinch
Lu par : Derryn Hinch
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"The best life advice and career advice I can give you is this: If you keep stepping back, somebody will step on you."

As the world slowly recovers from the worst health crisis in 100 years, and as we all continue to navigate unchartered territories of hardship, there sadly could not be a better time for a book focusing on how best to cope with the many challenges that life puts in our paths.

In Coping, media personality, politician, actor, journalist, editor, and author Derryn Hinch shares how he has coped with the many curveballs which have been thrown his way over the course of his colorful life and illustrious career. Hinch gets very personal and provides advice on many topics such as:

  • How to cope with trauma in your life, both emotional and financial—he writes as a person who has had massive highs and lows
  • How to cope during the bad times—we can all handle the good times, but what about when things are less rosy?
  • How to cope when you or a loved one are diagnosed with a terminal illness—Hinch has been there and done that.

From having been convicted of contempt of court on three occasions, and serving two prison sentences and one term of house arrest, to having been married four times, Hinch provides a candid insight into how he has coped and bounced back, time and time again.

©2021 Derryn Hinch (P)2022 Derryn Hinch
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