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  • Cooking Books Box Set #4: The Best Prepared Mason Jar Meals + Ultimate Canning & Preserving Food Guide for Beginners

  • De : Claire Daniels
  • Lu par : Millian Quinteros
  • Durée : 45 min

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Cooking Books Box Set #4: The Best Prepared Mason Jar Meals + Ultimate Canning & Preserving Food Guide for Beginners

De : Claire Daniels
Lu par : Millian Quinteros
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    As we all know, our everyday foods have their respective life spans. While some may last a little bit longer than others, there are also some that can last for more than a week, or at least for a couple of days. More often than not, we are not able to consume the food within its given shelf life. So we just wish we can prolong its freshness.

    If you face the same problem, here is good news: You no longer have to worry about wasting food because you can always can and preserve it! Food canning and preservation is the way that will help us prolong the shelf life of our food.

    If you are one of those people who has always been planning to do canning and preserving yet hasn't started because you do not know anything about it, then it is about time that you learn the basic how-to of canning and preserving. Don't worry, this audiobook will definitely be your best guide when it comes to canning and preserving.

    ©2014 Claire Daniels (P)2014 Claire Daniels

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