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Couverture de Conquering the Iron Giant

Conquering the Iron Giant

De : Graham Jarvis
Lu par : Oliver J Hemborough
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    Graham Jarvis has been at the top of off-road motorcycling for the best part of 25 years and has competed in hundreds of competitions and races all over the world, from TV's Junior Kick Start in the early 1990s to the fabled and ridiculously perilous two-day Italian event Hell's Gate, which he has dominated in recent years and which is one of motorsport's most feared events.

    Having excelled at trials and enduro, Graham moved into the high-octane world of extreme enduro, one of the most exhilarating sports on two wheels, in 2011. Since then, he has won extreme enduro's five major competitions - the Erzberg Rodeo, the Red Bull Sea to Sky, the Red Bull Romaniacs, the Tough One and the chilling Hell's Gate - no fewer than 25 times, making him one of motorsport's most successful riders.

    In Conquering the Iron Giant, Graham will take us from his early years in Canterbury, where he started out on an old BMX bike that his dad had rescued from the tip, to competing against up to 1,800 riders in races where dozens are often airlifted to hospital, and only three or four finish...with Graham usually at the head of the field. It is a story of dedication, skill and, above all, an extreme passion for off-road motorcycling.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio on our desktop site.

    ©2019 Graham Jarvis (P)2019 The Orion Publishing Group Ltd

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