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Couverture de Conquering Concussion

Conquering Concussion

De : Mary Lee Esty, C. M. Shifflett
Lu par : Timothy Gunwood
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    This lively, well-researched, and hopeful book is an excellent primer for anyone dealing with TBI and its aftermath, from victims to caretakers. It is clearly written for the average listener, but contains information that may be new to many healthcare professionals puzzled by odd and unresponsive symptoms and the realization that time alone does not heal the brain.

    Conquering Concussion by Mary Lee Esty, Ph.D., and C. M. Shifflett presents history, new research, treatments, and 20 years of clinical case histories. These are real stories about real people struggling with post-concussion symptoms: terrible fatigue, headache and body pain, emotional swings, mental fog, insomnia, weight gain and balance problems. It shows how TBI symptoms overlap with other diagnoses such as ADHD and depression, and reveals the link with PTSD. It features neurotherapy, but presents additional therapies that can aid recovery.

    Topics include: Head injuries in history, from Henry VIII to Elvis Presley. What happens in concussion, the many symptoms that may appear, and problems with standard testing and treatments. The origins, supporting research, and results of neurofeedback. Detailed case histories of children, adults, and soldiers with memory problems, severe head pain, insomnia, ADHD and PTSD. Medical issues which may need attention before symptoms of concussion can heal. The rest of the story: What happened to people in this book who never expected to work or function normally ever again. How they regained their skills, jobs, families and lives.

    ©2014 Mary Lee Esty (P)2024 Mary Lee Esty

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