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  • Conquer Your Concentration: The Ultimate Guide to Focus Your Thoughts and Build the Self Discipline Needed to Get Organised and Increase Productivity!

  • Personal Progression Series
  • De : Jean-Claude Leveque
  • Lu par : Mark Rabi
  • Durée : 2 h et 41 min

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Conquer Your Concentration: The Ultimate Guide to Focus Your Thoughts and Build the Self Discipline Needed to Get Organised and Increase Productivity!

De : Jean-Claude Leveque
Lu par : Mark Rabi
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    Do you want to stop getting distracted and finally learn how to get sh*t done?!

    Here’s how to stop procrastinating by changing your lifestyle and mindset in order to find your inner focus.

    Conquer Your Concentration is a must-read self-help guide that will help you to find the inner focus to achieve all of your dreams! With personal examples and practical solutions, this book has everything you need in order to achieve your greatest aspirations, become the best version of yourself, and be successful in anything you put your mind to!

    In Conquer Your Concentration, you’ll learn:

    • How to find your "why"
    • How to prioritize and organize your life
    • How to change your lifestyle to increase your focus
    • How your lifestyle can affect your concentration
    • Eleven strategies to naturally increase your focus
    • And much more!

    Why choose this self-help book?

    Jean-Claude Leveque, a seasoned-veteran psychologist with years of experience under his belt, has created a foolproof quick-start guide that will take you by the hand and help you to start taking control of your concentration and lead a successful life you’ve always dreamt of.

    “What if I’m already focused? I know what I want, I just can't get it!”

    This personal development book is written for you! Being focused doesn’t just necessarily mean having a goal to work towards; it has a general day to day impact on your life. Do you know what you need to do today, in order to achieve success tomorrow? The fact that you’re even thinking about listening to this book means that you’re on the right track – with the right guidance, you can easily get to where you want to be!

    ©2020 Jean-Claude Leveque (P)2020 Jean-Claude Leveque

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