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Couverture de Confounding Oaths

Confounding Oaths

De : Alexis Hall
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    A nobleman must work with a dashing soldier to save his sister from a mystical bargain gone awry in this irresistible Regency romance from the bestselling author of Boyfriend Material - perfect for fans of Bridgerton.

    It is the year 1815 and Mr. John Caesar is determined to help his younger sister, Mary, successfully enter London society. A high-stakes endeavour at the best of times, this task is made slightly more difficult by his family's non-traditional background, the pernicious whims of the ton, and the ever-present complication of living in a world full of scheming fairies and capricious gods.

    When Mary is cursed by the fair folk, John sets out to save her. This choice throws him into the path of Captain Orestes James - the handsome up-from-the-ranks hero of Wellington's armies - and his ragtag band of misfits.

    Together, they must venture into a vicious world of fey bargains and sacrificial magic as they draw ever closer to rescuing Mary.

    But while John is no stranger to casual dalliances with soldiers, he's never expected one to last - or wanted one to - until now.

    ©2024 Alexis Hall (P)2024 Orion Publishing Group Limited

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