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Couverture de Confabulation


De : Dave Gibbons
Lu par : Dave Gibbons
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    From Dave Gibbons’ earliest years copying Superman and Batman comics as a kid, to co-creating the bestselling graphic novel of all-time; Watchmen and beyond.

    Presented alphabetically, with informally written anecdotes that can be listened to in order or simply dipped into, Gibbons reveals unseen comics pitches, life as the first Comics Laureate, and going from being a fanzine artist to infiltrating DC Comics in the 1970s. The book covers everything from working on Doctor Who and meeting Tom Baker to being inducted into the Eisner Hall of Fame.

    Gibbons also discusses, for the first time anywhere, the reasons why he and fellow Watchmen co-creator Alan Moore no longer speak.

    CONFABULATION: AN ANECDOTAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY not only entertains, but peels back the layers of a fascinating career in comics.

    **This edition also features several BONUS stories recorded especially for the audiobook which do not appear in the print edition.**

    ©2023 Dave Gibbons (P)2023 Dave Gibbons/B7 Media

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