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Couverture de Concrete Clues

Concrete Clues

De : Christine Burke
Lu par : Michelle Ochitwa
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    Dead bodies, dark secrets, DNA and genetic genealogy. Can Olivia identify Jane Doe and her killer without losing herself in the process?

    In Concrete Clues, Olivia and Lily embark on a thrilling journey of discovery, utilizing the cutting-edge technique of genetic genealogy to solve the baffling mystery surrounding a nameless Jane Doe. As they delve into the depths of her past, they uncover a web of lies, deception, and long-kept secrets.

    Set against the backdrop of a tight-knit community, this captivating tale blends the allure of art with the power of science. Olivia and Lily's relentless pursuit of truth takes them on a roller coaster ride through hidden connections, surprising revelations, and high-stakes confrontations.

    As the strands of their investigation intertwine, the identity of the Jane Doe begins to emerge, drawing them closer to the heart of the chilling crime. With each breakthrough, the suspense builds, keeping listeners on the edge of their seats until the shocking truth is finally exposed.

    This mesmerizing blend of genetic genealogy and gripping mystery will appeal to fans of both true crime and historical whodunits. Will Olivia and Lily solve the murder and bring justice to the Jane Doe? Find out in this mesmerizing tale of genetic genealogy and the pursuit of truth.

    ©2023 Christine Burke (P)2023 Christine Burke

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