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Concerning Christian Liberty: Annotated

De : Martin Luther
Lu par : Ross Pipkin
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This annotated edition of Concerning Christian Liberty includes an extra appendix which provides an interesting overview of Martin Luther’s peasant roots, his education in pre-law, and how he was diverted from a law career to that of a monk-turned-professor and, eventually, Protestant reformer.

The role of the printing press in spreading the “95 Theses” quickly over Europe, catapulted Martin Luther to near-instant prominence in the religious dialogue of his day. The story of how Martin Luther colluded with a fishmonger to smuggle his future wife and her friends away from a convent and Martin Luther’s impact on the Protestant Reformation as well as modern religious thought.

Martin Luther's treatise Concerning Christian Liberty is one of the most powerful and concise presentations of the Christian life ever written. The power, discernment, brevity, and listenability of this work makes it a true gem among Reformation writings (and Christian writings, in general).

Here, you will find the essence of the spirit of the Reformation distilled into a guide for practical, biblical living. With the clarity and bold authority of a prophet, Luther sets forth the whole of the Christian life in two theses: "A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all." We are free from sin and the law (subject to none) but slaves to Christ in love (subject to all).

As Paul writes in Romans 6:22, "But now, you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God." Luther writes as a shepherd of the common people and the tone and content differ greatly from his better-known debate-oriented works such as The Bondage of the Will. The doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone is the heart and soul of Luther's message, founded upon a firm conviction in the authority of Scripture alone.

©2021 Olahauski Books (P)2021 Olahauski Books
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