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  • Complex Borderline Personality Disorder

  • How Coexisting Conditions Affect Your BPD and How You Can Gain Emotional Balance
  • De : Daniel J. Fox PhD
  • Lu par : Terrence Bayes
  • Durée : 9 h et 29 min

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Complex Borderline Personality Disorder

De : Daniel J. Fox PhD
Lu par : Terrence Bayes
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    If you've been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD), or suspect that you might have it, you should know that not everyone experiences the condition in the same way. BPD actually manifests on a spectrum, and while some people may encounter extreme symptoms and consequences on one end, others may be less affected on the other. In addition, if you're struggling with other conditions - such as bipolar disorder, depression, psychotic symptoms, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) - you may have complex BPD (C-BPD), and may benefit from expanding your knowledge and building your skills, so you can seek out a symptom management plan that is tailored to your unique needs.

    In Complex Borderline Personality Disorder, psychologist and BPD expert Daniel J. Fox offers a new understanding and awareness of the complexity of BPD, and helps you lay the groundwork needed to manage your symptoms more effectively. You'll find checklists of specific symptoms to help you identify coexisting conditions related to BPD. And with this guide, you'll feel more empowered to move forward in your life with all the knowledge, skills, and abilities you've learned.

    ©2021 Daniel J. Fox (P)2022 Tantor

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