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Compassionate Consciousness

De : Joanna Cameron
Lu par : Joanna Cameron
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Would you like to be at a higher state of consciousness, to create what you want without fear or worry? Is it possible? The Mayans had no calendar or predictions for events after the procession of the equinox on December 21, 2012. And many other indigenous tribes predicted that the world would end then.

They looked at the stars. Planet Earth was on a 26,000-year wobble that ended on that date. What they did not know is they were predicting, albeit unknowingly, a different consciousness. What happened is that we began the shift to another dimension on that date. We are here today spinning in space in a new frontier. Many of us believe we are awakening to a higher, more compassionate consciousness. It’s a shift to a quantum, loving, expansive energy. The veil is lifting, and the time and opportunity for awakening, creativity, wisdom, inventions, and world peace is now! Let’s set that intention right now.

Exercise 1

Put your hand on your heart. Breathe. Open your heart's doors. Relax. Close your eyes if you wish. Maybe you feel warmth, a remembrance, a knowing tingling in your spine? You feel a sense of benevolent resonance. Good. You’ve just set intention. Consciousness is your awareness. You sense your organs transmitting information back to your brain.

There are over 100 billion nerve cells or neurons in your brain, and each neuron can connect to thousands of other neurons. You are constantly learning. The human brain is continuously sifting and sorting information, and this takes place largely unconsciously. You have programs for all your activities. There's an expression in neuroscience: “Neurons that fire together wire together”. This means the more you run a neural circuit in your brain, the stronger that circuit becomes. It is one of the reasons that unwanted habits can be difficult to break. When you sleep, your brain waves are altered to alpha, delta, and theta waves, which are largely healing the body and dealing with trauma.

Meditation is a very important tool. In the early 1980s at the height of the Middle Eastern war in Lebanon, it was hypothesized that if enough people collectively meditated and radiated peace at the same time, the progress toward peace would be facilitated. What happened during that time proved this theory. It was recorded that the more people who meditated in Jerusalem each day, the more desperate acts of terrorism, measured by deaths and other parameters, decreased. Subsequent experiments continued to statistically confirm that 900 people radiating peace could temper the negative energy of one million. Meditation is compassionate action.

This audiobook is part of a series of mini-audiobooks on spirituality and New Age healing. The backbone belief of all these books is that you live in a vibrational universe and that you are an eternal spiritual being having a human existence. You get what you focus on in life. When you focus on the God within rather than the stresses of modern life, you feel connected to your source. This alignment with the source enables you to create what you want through your intuition. Other titles in this series include Awaken!, Release Karma!, Intuition!, Meditation, Lucid Dreaming!, Chronic Pain Elimination, and Law of Attraction.

The purpose of this book is to give you some up-to-date information about the mind-body. This data will empower you to go within and meditate. You begin to understand when your heart and brain are in coherence - you feel gratitude, compassion, and oneness. In this coherent state of connection, you offer an electromagnetic signature, which is the frequency and resonance needed to create what you want. Stay tuned!

©2021 Joanna Cameron (P)2022 Joanna Cameron
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