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Couverture de Company of Women

Company of Women

De : Doug Villhard
Lu par : Jack Villhard
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    Company of Women is based on the exploits of one of America’s most entrepreneurial minds at the time of the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis.

    By promoting a woman’s right to vote, Edward Garner Lewis built a women’s magazine empire that spanned the country until a conspiracy–all the way up to President Teddy Roosevelt–threatened to destroy it all.

    We first meet Eddie as a young and charming door-to-door salesman who dreams of one day starting his own legit business and leaving his snake oil past behind. But when his beautiful new bride unexpectedly gets sick and hospitalized, Eddie has no choice but to risk the little savings they have to afford her care and go back to his cunning ways.

    With a flashy new idea, an abundance of smart women in his circle, and an entrepreneurial spirit, Eddie begins a transformation from desperately hustling potions on street corners to a wealthy, high-stakes entrepreneur.

    His appreciation and respect for women lead to a billion dollar idea–a precursor to today’s credit card–allowing rural women to finally enter the economy and shop securely via the mail. As his wealth, power, and success continue to grow, new temptations challenge his friendships, family, co-workers, and, most importantly, his marriage.

    Soon Eddie’s expansive power and progressive views threaten men at the highest levels of the country. But, no matter how powerful a traditional workforce, government, and society may be, Eddie’s story reminds the world of one thing…never underestimate the company of women.

    ©2022 Doug Villhard (P)2023 Doug Villhard

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