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Couverture de Communicating with Spirits

Communicating with Spirits

De : Deborah Baker, Rita S. Berkowitz
Lu par : Sandra Mae Lux
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    You know there's more to life than physical existence.

    Life is a journey and physical birth and death are its points of transition. Many people across multiple cultures and faith systems believe that the spirit lives on—and have experienced contact with the spirits of loved ones who have passed to the higher side. This contact is joyous, comforting and healing—but you wonder if it's actually real and whether you can share in it, too.

    This enlightening guide will show you exactly how to uncover your own mediumistic capabilities and connect with those no longer on your plane. In this new and improved edition, you'll find:

    • Tips on how to connect with your divine energy through prayer, meditation and dreams.
    • Information on the birth of the human soul as perceived through multiple viewpoints.
    • Exercises to help you develop your mediumistic abilities.
    • Helpful ways to interpret and understand the symbolism of spiritual communication.
    • Instruction on how to explore your past lives and to examine your aura

    Don't give up the spirit!

    ©2021 Deb Baker and Rita Berkowitz (P)2022 DK Audio

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