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Couverture de Committed


De : Annie Boone
Lu par : HotGhost Productions
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    Janine Hewitt is happy. Mostly happy, that is. She has a wonderful family, plenty of friends, and her husband adores her. But something is missing. Something big. 

    Thad Hewitt is a loving husband and father. He works hard to keep his family comfortable and well-fed. He's a God-fearing man who thanks the Lord daily for all the ways he's been blessed. Though he can't quite put his finger on it, he knows something's wrong with his wife. 

    He thinks he's come up with the perfect plan to cheer Janine up. Their wedding anniversary is coming, and he wants to give her a special gift. A grand gesture to put a little spark back into their marriage.The plan is set in motion, and Janine is none the wiser about what her husband is cooking up. 

    When she becomes suspicious about his odd behavior, will the wedge that's developed between them be hammered deeper? Trust and communication in a marriage is the foundation. When that foundation cracks, can it be repaired?

    ©2018 Sweet River Publishing (P)2019 Sweet River Publishing

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