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Couverture de Combative to Collaborative: The Co-parenting Code

Combative to Collaborative: The Co-parenting Code

De : Teresa Harlow
Lu par : Teresa Harlow
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    Achieve co-parenting success and raise happy children!

    Co-parenting doesn’t have to be hard, or mean sacrificing either your family or your own happiness. It’s simply a matter of focus and choices. Combative to Collaborative: The Co-parenting Code channels parents’ interactions with each other to what they really want…to be good parents. But while most co-parenting books tell parents to just put the kids first even if that means sacrificing their own happiness, Combative to Collaborative shows parents how supporting each other as good parenting partners ensures they do what’s best for their kids while also achieving personal happiness. Move from anger, hurt, and loss to consideration, kindness, and cooperation.

    You will discover:

    • How to diffuse a co-parent’s snarky behavior and avoid triggering their hostility
    • How to recognize your own combative behaviors and stop exhibiting them
    • How to plan for co-parenting collaboration and success
    • How to correct course when a relationship goes astray – even after many years of conflict!

    The book, divided into three stages - Uncoupling, Life Goes On, and Correcting Course - lays out a roadmap for a particular area of co-parenting. Whether parents are newly separated, well into their journey, or have been at it for years, this book will guide the way.

    • Explore what's at stake for the family.
    • Identify the combative behaviors that derail parenting efforts and make life miserable for everyone.
    • Read real-life experiences of other co-parents and how they handled their situations both successfully and not as well.
    • Learn the Do's and Dont's of collaborative behaviors.
    • Answer questions to adopt an empathetic mindset, apply the Golden Rule to your situation, and achieve the positive outcome you desire.

    This is The Co-parenting Code!

    ©2021 Teresa Harlow (P)2022 Teresa Harlow


    "This book is a true breakthrough for co-parents struggling to positively interact or who want to get it right from the beginning. I highly recommend it!" (Jack Canfield, coauthor of the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series including Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul)

    "Couples who have experienced the trauma of divorce and are trying to co-parent their children in the best possible way, will find this book extremely helpful." (Gary Chapman, Ph.D. author of The 5 Love Languages)

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