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Couverture de College: Success Without It

College: Success Without It

De : Edward Wynn
Lu par : Randal Schaffer
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    We all know the adage that says that education is the key to a better life. While this definition does not go on to tell us what form of education unlocks the better life, society has somehow wired us to believe that college/university education is the key. So, in essence, we subtly believe that without a college/university education, we are destined for mediocrity in life.

    Do you plan to be a successful entrepreneur one day? Or do you just want to earn sufficient money to buy your own house and give your children good educations? Whatever your goals, hopes, and dreams are, you do need to study for them, and for that you need to complete college. Did that shatter your dreams? Can you not afford to attend college for some reason? If yes, then the good news is that success is not just dependent on receiving a college education.

    There are hundreds of well-established and renowned entrepreneurs who did not go to college or dropped out of college before they could graduate. The fact that they could no longer get a college education with their peers did not restrict them from pursuing their dreams. They still went after them and turned them into realities. If they can do it, so can you. If you are determined to accomplish your goals and are courageous enough to beat all the odds, you can become successful without going to college.

    Not being formally educated does not mean that you don't have what it takes to fulfill your lifelong objectives, dreams, and desires. You need knowledge, courage, strength, perseverance, determination, commitment, and confidence to become successful, and these things are learned and developed from different experiences in life and not just college. If you are dedicated to your goals and want to actualize them but cannot attend college, then you have landed at the right place. This book will provide you with all the information and support you need for achieving your goals.

    ©2015 Edward Wynn (P)2015 Edward Wynn

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