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Couverture de Collectors


De : C.L. Swinney
Lu par : Patrick Conn
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    While enjoying a leisurely ride from Temecula to see their beloved San Diego Padres play, off-duty detective sergeants Bill Dix and Steve Petersen find themselves in the middle of a jaw dropping firefight… in broad daylight. The two can't believe their luck as this is the second vacation they've taken together that's turned out horribly wrong. They're cleared of any wrongdoing, but now there's plenty of finger pointing and speculation regarding their involvement in a complex investigation including drugs and gun smuggling for terrorist cells...all within the United States. Dix wants to head back to Florida, while Petersen seems to have struck up a relationship interest trying to rebound from an ugly divorce. Whatever it is they've stumbled upon, dead bodies are showing up and Dix gets the sense no one is telling the truth. Dix and Petersen join forces with the locals and try to save one man from being hunted down and work frantically to figure out who's hunting him and why. Good, evil, and everything in between plague the detectives throughout the case. Who ends up surviving? And, when Dix crosses paths with the mastermind, do either of them live long enough to talk about it? Gripping and fast paced, the second novel in the bestselling Bill Dix Detective Series, Collectors, starts out quick and finishes strong.

    ©2014 C.L. Swinney and RJ Parker Publishing, Inc. (P)2014 C.L. Swinney and RJ Parker Publishing, Inc.

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