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Collaborating for English Learners Audiobook

De : Andrea Honigsfeld, Maria G. Dove
Lu par : Caroline Miller
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    Looking for a silver bullet to accelerate EL achievement? There is none. 

    But this, we promise: when EL specialists and general ed teachers pool their expertise, your ELs’ language development and content mastery will improve exponentially. Just ask the tens of thousands of Collaboration and Co-Teaching users and now, a new generation of educators, thanks to this all-new second edition: Collaborating for English Learners.

    Why this new edition? Because more than a decade of implementation has generated for Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove new insight into what exemplary teacher collaboration looks like, which essential frameworks must be established, and how integrated approaches to ELD services benefit all stakeholders. 

    Essentially a roadmap to the many different ways we can all work together, this second edition of Collaborating for English Learners features: 

    • All-new examples, case studies, illustrative examples, and policy updates 
    • In-depth coverage of the full range of strategies and configurations for determining the best model to adopt
    • Templates, planning guides, and other practical tools to put collaboration into practice
    • Guidelines, self-assessments, and questionnaires for evaluating the strategies’ effectiveness

    By this time, the big benefits of teacher collaboration are well documented. Where teachers and schools struggle still is determining the best way to do so, especially when working with our ELs. That’s where Andrea Honigsfeld, Maria Dove, and their second edition of Collaborating for English Learners will prove absolutely indispensable. After all, there are no two better authorities. 

    ©2019 Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria G. Dove (P)2020 Corwin

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