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Couverture de Colin


De : Grae Bryan
Lu par : Michael Ferraiuolo
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    Colin has spent his whole life waiting for something. He doesn’t know exactly what it is, or how to find it—all he knows is that he wants more. When the existence of vampires gives him hope for exactly that, he’s determined to find one for himself. And when he finds out Tucson holds two vampires without mates of their own, he’s willing to do whatever he can to get close.

    Fox has spent his whole life looking out for his brother. So when his twin shows signs of bone-deep boredom and ambivalence, who can blame him for wanting to grab on to anything that could bring him back to himself? And if that something happens to be the pushy, prickly blue-haired human on their doorstep—asking to stay, demanding to be fed on—then so be it.

    Dane has spent his whole life feeling different. Even as a vampire, he doesn’t quite fit the mold—too attached to his brother, for one, with a platonic, fated bond that can’t be broken. So when a strange human comes into their lives and seems to accept them exactly as they are, who can blame him for starting to hope, just a little, for something… more?

    Colin is a heated, fated-mates MMM paranormal romance with a HEA and no cliffhanger. It contains a grumpy, vampire-addicted human and the twin vampire brothers who are hungry for anything and everything he has to offer. It also contains steamy scenes and the moderate violence (and mentions of blood) one might expect from a vampire romance. While each book focuses on a different couple, the series is best enjoyed in order.

    ©2024 Grae Bryan (P)2024 Grae Bryan

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