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Couverture de Cold Winter Sun

Cold Winter Sun

De : Tony J. Forder
Lu par : Greg Wagland
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    A missing man. A determined hunter. A deadly case. When Mike Lynch is contacted by his ex-wife about the missing nephew of her new husband, he offers to help find the young man with the help of his friend Terry Cochran. Arriving in LA to try to track down the young man, the pair are immediately torn away when the missing man’s car shows up, abandoned on the side of a deserted road in New Mexico. When two fake police officers cross their path, Terry and Mike know there is more to the case than meets the eye, and soon they find themselves asking exactly who it is they are really looking for.... 

    Tony J. Forder is the international best-selling author of The DI Bliss Series. Cold Winter Sun is a loosely connected sequel to Scream Blue Murder, though it can be easily listened to as a stand-alone. It's a fast-paced and action-packed crime thriller which will appeal to fans of Michael Connelly, Mark Dawson, and Damien Boyd.

    ©2018 Tony J Forder (P)2019 W. F. Howes Ltd

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