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Couverture de Cold Fury

Cold Fury

De : Daphne Loveling
Lu par : Troy Duran, Anastasia Watley
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    Years ago, I fell in love with an angel. Only problem: her brother was in a rival MC. My prez gave me an ultimatum: her or my club. Fool that I was, I chose the club.

    Years later, I run into her when she moves back to town. She still hurts from the way I treated her back then. But this time, I'm not giving her up. Her brother's club and mine are still bitter enemies. And claiming Kat threatens to throw us into full-on war. But none of that matters. I'm going to win her back. This time, Kat is mine. No matter the cost.


    Years ago, I fell in love with a biker. He hurt me more than I ever thought I could be hurt. But stupid me, I never stopped loving him. Years later, he saves me from a man who won't take no for an answer. I find myself falling for him all over again.

    But my brother makes it clear: stay away from Fury and the Royal Bastards MC. I know I can't hide the relationship forever. And when it comes out in the open, all hell will break loose.

    Fury vows to protect me. But loving him means risking everything I know. Loving him means trusting that he won't destroy my heart again.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2023 Daphne Loveling (P)2024 Tantor

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