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Couverture de Cold Fury

Cold Fury

De : Toni Anderson
Lu par : Eric G. Dove
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    An escaped serial killer is looking for revenge in this new Romantic Thriller from New York Times bestselling author Toni Anderson.

    Seven years ago, Hope Harper was a star defense attorney with a great life and a beautiful family—until she got the wrong defendant released, and he turned around and viciously slaughtered her husband and child. Since then, the only thing Hope cares about is locking bad guys behind bars where they cant hurt anyone else. When the killer escapes from a maximum security prison during a winter storm, Hope refuses to run and hide.

    The FBIs Hostage Rescue Team is called in to protect the handful of public figures the notorious serial killer threatened. Operator Aaron Nash draws the short straw—he'll be heading up Assistant District Attorney Hope Harpers close protection detail.

    Much to Aarons frustration, the cool blonde refuses to go into protective custody. As the hours and days wear on, Aaron and Hope manage a fragile truce. He begins to understand and admire the tenacious prosecutor, and the two of them begin to work together.

    As the escaped serial killers rampage spins on, Hope knows its just a matter of time until he comes for her. Except somethings changed. For the first time since losing her family, she has something to live for. But is history doomed to repeat itself?

    ©2024 Toni Anderson Inc. (P)2024 Toni Anderson Inc.

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