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Couverture de Code Name Foxtrot

Code Name Foxtrot

De : Anton Du Beke, Elisa Paganelli
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    Brought to you by Puffin.

    An unforgettable wartime adventure full of mystery, gorgeous friendships, great bravery, and dance – from the Sunday Times bestselling author and ballroom star, Anton Du Beke! Code Name Foxtrot is perfect for fans of Ben Miller, Emma Carroll and Michael Morpurgo who are looking for their next classic adventure for all the family to enjoy.


    ‘Maybe, by Christmas, the war will be over – and we’ll be back home with Mum and Dad, listening to the orchestra play and watching the dancers whirl round the floor . . .’

    Britain, 1940, the world is at war and 10-year-old twins Harry and Rosie are evacuated from London to live with their Great Uncle. The twins immediately miss home and perhaps most of all for Harry, the tearoom where their mum works, and Harry spends hours watching the professional dancers – secretly dreaming of the day he might do the same.

    Faced with stony silences from their Great Uncle Rupert and endless rainy days in the stormy village of Cotterill Cove, they throw themselves into the local dance show, determined to do their bit for the war effort and maybe even dance at the famous Winter Gardens in Blackpool.

    But when Harry sees strange flashing lights out on the treacherous mudflats one night, he and Rosie discover their new home is hiding some huge secrets and the enemy is a lot closer than they thought.

    Racing to uncover the truth, Harry and Rosie learn bravery comes in many forms and even in the worst of times, the show must go on.

    ‘An exciting adventure with all the speed and style of Anton’s dancing’ Jacqueline Wilson

    ©2024 Anton Du Beke (P)2024 Penguin Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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