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Couverture de Cobweb


De : Michael Morpurgo
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    A powerful, moving adventure inspired by the extraordinary true story of the French Drummer Boy of Waterloo, COBWEB is a stunning tale of courage and kindness – a book about humanity, animals, and the heartbreak of war, from a writer at the height of his powers.

    “They call me Cobweb. I’ll tell you why later. I may be a dog, but I know and understand a lot more than people think I do.”

    Britain. 1815. After years of loss and sacrifice, the end of the war with Napoleon is approaching.

    Cobweb knows nothing of the war – he loves being a young puppy and playing with his owner, Bethan, exploring the countryside and chasing rabbits.

    But when he is taken away from Bethan and sold, Cobweb must learn to become a Drover’s Dog – herding sheep and cattle for hundreds of miles on the long, treacherous journey to London.

    And after the Napoleonic wars finally come to an end with the Battle of Waterloo, Cobweb meets an unexpected stranger with an incredible tale to tell on his journey home . . .

    ©2024 Michael Morpurgo (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    'Moving, unique and utterly charming. This is why Michael Morpurgo is the nation's favourite storyteller' Hannah Gold, author of The Last Bear

    'A hymn to the things that matter: loyalty and love, courage and compassion. This is storytelling that thrums with wisdom and warmth.' Abi Elphinstone

    'A truly wonderful story of courage and loyalty, adventure and purpose, and how opening our hearts to people – and dogs – can make us better human beings. No one tells an animal tale like Michael Morpurgo. The reader in me was totally gripped, the dog-lover fell madly in love.' Emma Carroll

    ‘Warm, wise and wonderful.’ Phil Earle, author of When the Sky Falls

    'An appealing tale of a little dog on a big journey. Morpurgo gives us yet another animal adventure to treasure. Cobweb will charm you with his cuteness and impress you with his courage.' Lesley Parr, author of The Valley of Lost Secrets

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