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Couverture de Coatbridge: The Disappearance of Moira Anderson

Coatbridge: The Disappearance of Moira Anderson

De : Chalk and Blade
Lu par : Sandra Brown
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    For decades, Sandra Brown’s life has been intertwined with someone she has never met: an eleven year-old girl named Moira Anderson – who disappeared from their hometown of Coatbridge, Scotland, in 1957. It became one of the oldest cold cases in Scottish history.

    Sandra lived just around the corner from Moira. She grew up hearing about the missing girl, whose memory haunted the town. But she never imagined that, one day, she would be the one trying to uncover what happened. Or that her search for answers would reveal secrets and lies so close to home.

    In her own words, Sandra tells the full story, of a lifetime spent confronting doubt and resistance. Can she break the silence and find the truth? And how much pain will it cause?

    Content Warning: There are references to child sexual abuse and to violence in this series. Listener discretion is advised.

    Episode 1: Moira

    Moira Anderson mysteriously vanished from Coatbridge during a snowstorm in 1957. Sandra revisits the events of that day, and how Moira’s disappearance shook the town.

    Episode 2: Dad

    As she grows up, Sandra’s family goes through its own struggles. Years later, a chance encounter reveals a secret that casts Sandra’s childhood in a new light.

    Episode 3: Moment of No Return

    After a shocking revelation in the Moira Anderson case, Sandra faces a difficult question. Could her greatest fears be true?

    Episode 4: Family Secrets

    Speaking to friends and family from Coatbridge, Sandra discovers a horrific web of abuse. As victims break their silence, the scope of the investigation changes.

    Episode 5: Person of Interest

    Police and prosecutors take charge of the investigation into Moira Anderson’s disappearance – and they don’t always agree with Sandra.

    Episode 6: Leeds

    With the help of an intrepid reporter, Sandra pays a surprise visit – to the person she believes is responsible for the disappearance of Moira Anderson.

    Episode 7: Confession

    Out of the blue, a confession emerges – and it points to new leads for the investigation.

    Episode 8: Silence

    Sandra rushes to the hospital for a conversation that may be the last chance to uncover what happened to Moira.

    Episode 9: Legacy

    After years spent on the case, Sandra faces a moment of truth.

    If you have been affected by any of the themes in the series please find below details of organisations that can help you:

    Samaritans - call 116 123 or email or (or the Samaritans Welsh Language Line is 0808 164 0123)

    SANEline - If you're experiencing a mental health problem call 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm–10.30pm every day).

    Other international crisis helplines can be found at

    Archive clips licensed from STV.

    Available in Dolby Atmos

    ©2024 Chalk and Blade (P)2024 Audible Ltd.

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