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De : Ruchira Chaudhary
Lu par : Vasundhra Bose
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This book lucidly illustrates how a leader can bring out the very best in people by coaching them, and how coaching can unleash creativity as well as innovation while inspiring teams to play to their potential. It also examines how coaching helps leaders maintain a fine balance between managing and guiding, and between appraising and supporting their teammates.

While many excellent books have been written about leadership, talent, and coaching, this is a rare book that stands boldly at the intersection of leadership and coaching. This is a book for our times. Businesses are facing a new reality, characterized by a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world. This new reality has forced organizations to depart from conventional command-and-control practices to a completely new model - a model in which leaders support and guide, rather than instruct and control, their team members.

Exploring some of the key ingredients of impactful leadership, Coaching offers tips and tricks, backed by research and incisive insights, on how to become an effective leader-coach. Peppered with interesting anecdotes and analogies, drawn from sports, performing arts, and other walks of life, the book is a breezy listen. Interviews with corporate leaders and academics further enrich the narrative. Guaranteed to make for a very interesting listen, the book will be useful to leaders, aspiring leaders, and especially those that wish to transition from being just good leaders to extraordinary ones.

©2021 Ruchira Chaudhary (P)2021 Random House Audio
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